Monday, October 18, 2010


Business and life in the 21st century
We live in a world that is characterized with “Three C’s namely Competition, Change and Complexities. If any one of us must live and do businesses in today’s world must be ready to embrace and tactfully understand these powerful 3C’s to achieve unlimited success.
Amazingly we all dread and detest change but you will agree with this wise saying that “One cannot keep doing the same thing and expect different results. If you want to experience a full life full of possibilities and opportunities, then you must be ready to attempt and do the unusual as this is what is required to stay on top in today’s world. Look at our world today, science and technology as impacted almost every aspect of our personal and business life. The introduction of the personal computer and the internet is no doubt transforming the way we go about life today and guess what you must not be left out of the enormous opportunity to be live your best life now.
It’s indeed a big world out there, a big world full of enormous opportunities and possibilities to be your unlimited best in every aspect of life and business. Think about this, How easy it is to be “average”. The ranks of the mediocre are crowded with status-quo thinkers and predictable workers. How rare are those who live differently!
Now, indeed you can be productive, relevant, secured and wealthy in today’s world, all that is required is to develop some certain personal qualities that make up the traits of leadership and vigorously apply timeless principles that would bring about the desired change you want to see in your life. It’s so sad that many people go through life hoping for the best, however you need more than a hope to live successfully today, you need a plan and a right course of action to maximize every opportunities that life will present to you.
In the school of life and business in the 21st century, you need four innate, personal tools that will consistently guarantee immense success and significance that you seek passionately. The deployment of these four innate tools have been used by great business thinkers like Bill gates who is the richest man in the world today, Albert Einstein, Barrack Obama, Aliko Dangote, Helen Keller who was blind and deaf but became an Elder state woman, writer and a lecturer in her time. These four innate tools are
1 Dream
2 Initiative
3 Creativity
4 Excellence
Dream: Friends you need to realize that all things in this life are created twice, their is first the mental creation before the physical creation. That is why the scripture says that “ Where there is no vision the people perish” if you really want to be super successful and be productive in all aspect of your life then the starting point is you need to develop the capacity to see beyond the realities of your life. Your circumstances are not the conclusions of your life. Eyes that look are many but eyes that see are few. Celebrated men and women in our world today have learnt to go inside of themselves to draw inspiration and deep revelation from their rich resources of their mind. The starting point to dreaming is to first of all on a daily basis change and upgrade your thoughts to world-class regularly. Change your thoughts and you change your world.
“One philosopher states that the purpose of our life on earth is to learn that our thoughts have power. William James wrote that the greatest discovery of this century is that by changing our thoughts, we can change our lives. We are constantly thinking, and every thought is filled with creative power. We are constantly creating, but more of it is done unconsciously. The purpose of a dream is to get us in to conscious creating.
A dream is not the images you experience when you sleep but it is an “ IDEA, A PLAN, AN AGENDA, A GOAL “ which you have deliberately determined to pursue in other to make your life and business a phenomenal success.
A whack on the side of the head is a book on how to break the inertia and unlock your mind for innovative thinking. By adopting a creative outlook, as Roger von Oech, the author of the book, points out, we open ourselves to new possibilities and change. But that requires thinking outside the prisons of common boundaries. It requires a Dream.
Friends my submission to you today is that on a regular basis, take out time to unleash your imagination and see the great things you want to have, experience in your lifetime and stop seeing and focusing on your present circumstances because “imagination is everything,” wrote Albert Einstein. When you are dreaming, think about a world where, “With God, anything is possible.”
Color outside the lines. Look at people who are having, being, doing, and creating what you want to create as role models. The illustration is simply this, You Think – You Do – You Become
”Nothing limits achievement like small thinking; nothing expands possibilities like unleashed imagination”
Initiative: Go to the ant, you slacker! Observe its ways and become wise. Without leader, administrator, or ruler, it prepares its provisions in summer; it gathers its food during harvest
I have always wondered what on earth is the difference between a rich man and a poor one, and my discovery after a long while revealed to me is in their taking initiative and daring to do the impossible. They don’t wait for their ship to sail to them rather they swim to meet up their ship. Dear friends, the only way to grow and succeed in the 21st century is to constantly develop the ability on daily basis to act out and do that thing you ought to do even when it isn’t sure that you will succeed.
A dreamer is someone who sees the opportunities around and makes the most of them by taking action. He or she does today what others are not doing in order to have what others will not have tomorrow. That’s why I agree with the wise words of Dwight Roosevelt which says that “Do what you can with what you have right where you are”.
Everyone has what it takes to start something, no matter how small; therefore, don’t hesitate to start with what you have now. Start doing something with what you have because until you take steps nothing takes shape. The Chinese proverbs says, “Don’t be afraid of doing slowly but only be afraid of standing still.” A great life and business can’t be realized without making things happen.
Creativity: One great thing that will differentiate your life and business to attract favour, influence, resources and great relationships that will pace you is creativity. A lot of people today are drab, mediocre and live average lives all because the lack creativity.
“One good idea is all you need to start a fortune. Business breakthrough come from finding faster, cheaper, better and easier ways to perform a task. “Brian Tracy
We need on a daily basis to be original, make new discoveries, work out new concepts, and possess the idea of doing common things in uncommon ways. I dare you today to do things differently in your life and business approach. Take out time to do the analysis of your present reality and work out a new course of action as to what you need to do to become a phenomenal success and a role model to others, it’s time for us to start thinking outside the box and unleash the power of our imagination and move out of the things we are used to as we stretch ourselves to new boundaries of possibilities and opportunities Even the sky is not your limit as you dare to be creative in the way you live and do business.
Excellence: one great quality that is lacking today in our world is the capacity to do things in an unusual way. In order to survive in today’s world we need to develop the passion for unlimited quality in every sphere of our influence. Excellence is the habit of doing the best with best resources to achieve the best. As someone said,” Those who always deliver on quality never go unnoticed.” The habit of excellence prevents you from being an apostle of mediocrity who does things shabbily but it makes you do things better today than you did yesterday. It is true that little things make for excellence, but excellent is not a little thing. See thou a man diligent in his ways, such man will stand before kings and not with mere men. My submission to you is to go and do beyond your current efforts in your quest to live a full life in this 21st century.
Aristotle said, we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore isn’t an act but a habit. In a nutshell you need to daily place a demand on yourself to find ways of doing things in a different manner so as to attract more opportunities in to your life and business.
I leave you with this African proverb that never seizes to inspire me,” “Every morning in Africa, a GAZELLE wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest LION or it will be killed. Every morning a LION wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest GAZELLE or it will starve to death. It doesn’t matter whether you are a LION or a GAZELLE . . . When the sun comes up, you’d better be running.”

Tunde Solanke is a Keynote Speaker, Trainer, Seminar Leader and an Event Manager
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